• Nothing much to see here. This is just a sample repository so I can get a feel for how GitHub works.

  • This is the updated README file for repo0.

  • With a second third line.

Do relative links work

  • Like this? foo.html -- Yes, the link is to the web page for the file.
  • Like this? foo.html -- No.
  • Like this? foo.html -- Yes, the link is to the web page for the file.

Do relative links work? foo.html Yes! Again, the link is to the web page for the file.

TODO Figure out how to get a relative link to display the file itself for plain text, or interpreted as html for *.html files. But this will do for now. (My main motivation for this is the README.md files for my fizzbuzz-c and fizzbuzz-polyglot repos.)

Plain-text README -- links to web page.

Plain-text README -- same as above?

Plain-text README -- Direct link to file? -- Nope, 404.

foo.html -- Direct link to HTML file? -- Nope, 404.

I think I've got relative links worked out. For example, for the above README link, I wrote [README], then [README]: README as a link reference definition (at the bottom of this file). Likewise for foo.html. Making the link text be something other than the name of the file should also be possible, but so far I don't have a requirement for that.

Trying several kinds of links:

Haven't touched this in a while. Here's a new line.