
Api error or apikey is not set

StephaneMichel opened this issue · 7 comments

Api error or apikey is not set

I get the same error whenever I play in mode PIE, I had already create a new key but not worked

I'm getting "Api error" as well, I've tried creating several API keys and trying them, no luck

Can you please review your output log and post the debug message that includes the exact API error you are encountering?

Hello, thanks a lot for your work, however I'm getting API errors also.
I'm using UE 5.1.1 and using last version of your plugin :


Thanks a lot for help!

To fix it you can change Davinci to TextDavinci 003 for example.

OpenAI's API requires a valid payment method to be added to the account in order to use the service, UE Log should say API Error if this is true add CC.

As Cramirez0318 says, your output log will tell you the following:

LogTemp: Warning: {
    "error": {
        "message": "You exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details.",
        "type": "insufficient_quota",
        "param": null,
        "code": null

After you connected a credit card to your billing information at the official open AI website the error disappears and the example works.