
C# implementation of PhigrosLibrary

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


This is a C# implementation of PhigrosLibrary.

API Usage

Local save (...PlayerPrefv2.xml)

  1. You parse the xml and get the key string and value string ex. xaHiFItVgoS6CBFNHTR2%2BA%3D%3D
  2. Convert decode it using System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode, then get string like this (xaHiFItVgoS6CBFNHTR2+A==)
  3. Decrypt it by static method SaveHelper.DecryptSaveStringNew(string base64EncodedString) ex. SaveHelper.DecryptSaveStringNew(eSB6QJlXU1vwHjVx7kcpb4/jdk9o5j4Wiatn+jrJ+etI2KFMlPDyH8s7I8zM+qlW)
  4. After it returns data (ex. MARENOL.LeaF.0.Record.HD and {"s":992580,"a":99.17559051513672,"c":1}) convert it from json to ScoreFormat struct and do theStruct.ToInternalFormat().
  5. do whatever you want to the data Full example code:
public static InternalScoreFormat ExampleDecryptLocal(string key, string data, float chartConstant) 
	string decryptedKey = SaveHelper.DecryptSaveStringNew(System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(key));
	string decryptedData = SaveHelper.DecryptSaveStringNew(System.Net.WebUtility.UrlDecode(data));

	string[] splitted = decryptedKey.Split(".");
		string id = $"{splitted[0]}.{splitted[1]}";
// somewhere else in ur code...
ExampleDecryptLocal(@"Cgw4SttKwRFIjb68TF8z5EC%2FLwVpK8KjKmjcm9T3M78%3D", @"eSB6QJlXU1vwHjVx7kcpb4%2Fjdk9o5j4Wiatn%2BjrJ%2BetI2KFMlPDyH8s7I8zM%2BqlW", 11.4f);

Cloud Save

  1. First new a SaveHelper object ex. var helper = new SaveHelper() (note: if you are using this library in wasm project you need to set Decrypter property ex. new SaveHelper() { Decrypter = async (byte[] key, byte[] iv, byte[] data) => { /* your decrypting function here */ } } cuz aes doesnt work in wasm)
  2. Initialize it by helper.InitializeCloudHelper(token) and put the token here
  3. Get your save by helper.GetGameSaveAsync or helper.GetGameSavesAsync (parameter explain below)
  4. do whatever you want to the data (hint: the gameSave.Records holds all your record)

Parameter explanation:

GetGameSavesAsync(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, float[]> difficulties, int maxEntries = int.MaxValue)
difficulties is a IReadOnlyDictionary<string, float[]> (just pass in a Dictionary<string, float[]>), the string is the ID, and the float is the chart constant.
maxEntries: Max count of save to get (cuz china network slow yk)
GetGameSaveAsync(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, float[]> difficulties, int index)
same as above, the index means which date of save to get (0 is latest)
Elements of the float array:
0: EZ cc (short name of chart constant)
1: HD cc
2: IN cc
3: AT cc

Example code

public static Task<(Summary Summary, GameSave Save)> GetLatestSave(string token, Dictionary<string, float[]> difficulties) 
	var helper = new SaveHelper();
	return await helper.GetGameSaveAsync(difficulties, 0);
// somewhere else in ur code...
await GetLatestSave("mysupersecrettoken1145141");