
Get-LenovoWarranty.ps1 Error

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Receiving the following error:

"No authorization to access Ibase."

No authorization to access Ibase.

Are you able to provide updated credentials with access?

This was written by Rob Eberhardt in the comments on Kevin's Cyberdrain post.
After you install the PSWarranty module, find where your PowerShell modules are installed and replace Powershell\Modules\PSWarranty\1.8.0\private\Get-LenovoWarranty.ps1 with the code below to scrape the warranty object from the Lenovo warranty webpage.

function get-LenovoWarranty([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]$SourceDevice, $client) {
    $today = Get-Date -Format yyyy-MM-dd
    $APIURL = "$SourceDevice"
    $Req = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $APIURL -Method get
        $APIURL = "$($"
        $Req = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $APIURL -Method get
        $search = $Req |Select-String -Pattern "var ds_warranties = window.ds_warranties \|\| (.*);[\r\n]*"
        $jsonWarranties = $search.matches.groups[1].value |ConvertFrom-Json

    if ($jsonWarranties.BaseWarranties) {
        $warfirst = $jsonWarranties.BaseWarranties |sort-object -property [DateTime]End |select-object -first 1
        $warlatest = $jsonWarranties.BaseWarranties |sort-object -property [DateTime]End |select-object -last 1
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Serial' = $jsonWarranties.Serial
            'Warranty Product name' = $jsonWarranties.ProductName
            'StartDate' = [DateTime]($warfirst.Start)
            'EndDate' = [DateTime]($warlatest.End)
            'Warranty Status' = $warlatest.StatusV2
            'Client' = $Client
            'Product Image' = $jsonWarranties.ProductImage
            'Warranty URL' = $jsonWarranties.WarrantyUpgradeURLInfo.WarrantyURL
    else {
        $WarObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
            'Serial' = $SourceDevice
            'Warranty Product name' = 'Could not get warranty information'
            'StartDate' = $null
            'EndDate' = $null
            'Warranty Status' = 'Could not get warranty information'
            'Client' = $Client
            'Product Image' = ""
            'Warranty URL' = ""
    return $WarObj