
Additional Features

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey, I'm really impressed with this starter architecture. Would be really nice if you added some additional features:

  1. Other authentication methods (google, facebook, twitter, biometrics)
  2. Responsive UI boilerplate code (sounds challenging to add responsiveness as a boilerplate code! Maybe settle with deviceWidth and deviceHeight as constants)
  3. Firebase Queries service. Some examples that came to my mind:
  • Query a collection based on one value
  • Query a collection based on multiple values, .where('docField', 'in', '[values]')
  • Query SubCollections with same name, subCollectionNames.where('docField', 'condition', 'value').groupByParent('parentCollection')
  • order a collection based on field, ascending or descending.
  1. Firebase messaging service, for sending notifications.
  2. Firebase Storage service.
  3. Firebase Analytics Service.
  4. String Validators Service. Check out this implementation
  5. Error handling service.

I know that's a lot, but you're doing a great job so far. This boilerplate structure has a high potential of easing the process for many developers.

Hi @moazkassab . Thanks for write up.

Yes, the other authentication methods is part of my list. In fact, I'm writing a real world application for multiple users, using this project. It almost done soon, and will then update this core master repo for people to view.

The project includes:

  • Firebase Storage service
  • Error handling service
  • Some of the query of sub collections

Once I push it to the Play Store, I will then update this repo with it.

The list you shared is definitely helps me a lot - on further improve this.

Yes, will update - stay tune. :)

Thanks @KenAragorn ,keep up the good work.