
This is a template for new repositories in the Kentico organization.

MIT LicenseMIT

---Template info---

---This section contains general information about the repository template and is to be deleted before submitting a pull request with the final documentation.---

---Lines enclosed by three dashes (like this one) are placeholders and comments to be replaced with specific information or deleted completely.---

---Library naming conventions---

---Repository name – use "xperience-by-kentico-<project-name>" for projects aimed for Xperience by Kentico and "xperience-<project-name>" for projects aimed for Kentico Xperience 13---

---Package Name – use "Xperience by Kentico: <Project Name>" for projects aimed for Xperience by Kentico and "Xperience: <Project Name>" for projects aimed for Kentico Xperience 13---

---Package Name---

---Select the correct badge for the support policy and update the GitHub Action pipeline badge to point to this repository (replace repo-template)---

7-day bug-fix policy Kentico Labs CI: Build and Test


---A short description of the functionality – what scenarios are fulfilled by the Intergration / App / Solution. Include screenshots displaying the functionality.---

---Also list any limitations of the functionality that may result in unexpected behavior for the end user. These can be caused, e.g., by scope cuts or unexpected issues during implementation.---


Library Version Matrix

---This matrix explains which versions of the library are compatible with different versions of Xperience by Kentico / Kentico Xperience 13---

Xperience Version Library Version
>= 28.1.0 1.0.0


---These are all the dependencies required to use (not build) the library---

Other requirements

---A list of other requirements and prerequisites needed to use the library. If there are none, don't include this section in the readme.---

Package Installation

---This details the steps required to add the library to a solution. This could include multiple packages (NuGet and/or npm)---

Add the package to your application using the .NET CLI

dotnet add package <library nuget package name>

Quick Start

---Minimal steps to get started with the library. Support the steps with helpful screenshots.---

---You can completely omit this section if the setup is complicated and cannot be realistically condensed into a few steps. Instead, describe everything in detail in Usage-Guide.md.---

Full Instructions

---Add the full instructions, guidance, and tips to the Usage-Guide.md file---

View the Usage Guide for more detailed instructions.


To see the guidelines for Contributing to Kentico open source software, please see Kentico's CONTRIBUTING.md for more information and follow the Kentico's CODE_OF_CONDUCT.

Instructions and technical details for contributing to this project can be found in Contributing Setup.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.md for more information.


---Select the correct badge for the support policy---

7-day bug-fix policy Kentico Labs

---Select the correct name for the support policy---

This project has Full support by 7-day bug-fix policy / Kentico Labs limited support.

See SUPPORT.md for more information.

For any security issues see SECURITY.md.