
Domain Cookie Invalid for Localhost:8080

Closed this issue · 6 comments

The following error occurs when running lcoalhost:8080 and using PartialWidgetPage with stripSessions: false

Line 36: Line 37:     Line 38:         @Html.PartialWidgetPage("/Masterpage/Header", PathIsNodeAliasPath: true, stripSession: false) Line 39:         @{OutputCacheHelper.AddCacheDependency($"nodes|{OutputCacheHelper.CurrentSiteName()}|Generic.Header|all"); } Line 40:

@KenticoDevTrev I ran into this issue also while running the Baseline project (thanks for releasing that!), and have created PR #11 to address the issue. Thoughts?

@KenticoDevTrev after reading the documentation again I noticed it says, 'setting this to the empty string ("") will restrict the port to the one used in the HTTP response'. So potentially localhost doesn't need to be handled differently and Port = "" could always be set regardless. Do you see any reason the port would need to be set explicitly, maybe for Page Builder?

I don't think page builder would need a specific port, unless the admin and the actual mvc site were both localhost... Do you want to do any other testing, otherwise I'll pull and give it a check what you committed in the pull request

@KenticoDevTrev just ran a few more tests and added 1 other bug fix, everything seems to load for me as expected now, ready for you to take a swing through when you can.

Pulled the Pull Request, Updated in nuget package 12.29.5 (should be available for update shortly).

Thanks again!