
Checking fails with current dev version of RSQLite

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Expected Behavior

R CMD check succeeds with the dev version of RSQLite.

Current Behavior

Doesn't, fails with:

      Warnings: 0
      Skipped:  0
      ── 1. Failure: ignored data files are not loaded (@test-load.R#183)  ───────────
      `load.project(override.config = list(data_ignore = ""))` threw an error with unexpected message.
      Expected match: "file is encrypted or is not a database"
      Actual message: "file is not a database"

      ══ testthat results  ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════
      OK: 636 SKIPPED: 4 FAILED: 1
      1. Failure: ignored data files are not loaded (@test-load.R#183)

      Error: testthat unit tests failed
      In addition: Warning message:
      call dbDisconnect() when finished working with a connection
      Execution halted
Steps to Reproduce Behavior
  • Install r-dbi/RSQLite from GitHub
  • Run R CMD check on ProjectTemplate
Version Information

ProjectTemplate 0.8, r-dbi/RSQLite@b9df7dd

Possible Solution

Please refrain from checking (exact) wording for third-party error messages.

RSQLite has been updated on CRAN, checks for ProjectTemplate fail now.

Fixed and being submitted to CRAN