

Closed this issue · 3 comments


  • 我相信这个想法很棒并且将使框架变得更好
  • 我已在issue中搜索了类似请求,包括已关闭的请求



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Title: How to set the final interface to https?


  • I believe this idea is great and will make the framework better
  • I have searched for similar requests in the issue, including closed requests

A detailed description

As the title states, some Android apps do not allow http access and can only use https

  1. 更建议的方式是申请一个域名,然后可以参考这里 使用nginx或caddy 和证书 将8000端口转发到https端口。

  2. 也可以参考

    ssl_keyfile = os.environ.get("ssl_keyfile", None) or None
    ssl_certfile = os.environ.get("ssl_certfile", None) or None

    直接通过环境变量传入证书文件路径,通过https访问直接访问https://ip:8000 端口(不推荐)

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  1. The more recommended way is to apply for a domain name, and then [refer here]( %AFssl-%E4%BB%A5https%E8%AE%BF%E9%97%AE%E5%9F%9F%E5%90%8D) Use nginx or caddy and a certificate to forward the 8000 port to the https port.

  2. But you can also refer to

    ssl_keyfile = os.environ.get("ssl_keyfile", None) or None
    ssl_certfile = os.environ.get("ssl_certfile", None) or None

    Pass the certificate file path directly through the environment variable and allow port 8000 to be accessed through https (not recommended)