
HTML report generated with screenshots for all specs but the last one

charuu opened this issue · 7 comments

The Html report displays all the specs except for the last screenshot which is not present.

I have the same issue

uglow commented

+1 Same issue.

Same issue.

There is a quick workaround:
If you add an afterAll function to the top of your spec the last screenshot will be generated. Maybe this is an indicator where this behaviour comes from.

afterAll(function () {});

I am not able to reproduce it. Could you provide additional information?

Similar problem for me:

Test 1 failed and caused the successful test 2 to not get a screenshot:

Test 1 ok but test 2 fails, same thing (no SS for test 2):

If both tests pass still no Test2 SS:

So really seems to be a no SS for last test issue.


        var Jasmine2HtmlReporter = require('protractor-jasmine2-html-reporter');
        var jhtmlReporter = new Jasmine2HtmlReporter({
            consolidateAll: true,
            savePath: 'reports',
            screenshotsFolder: 'screenshots',
            takeScreenshots: true,
            takeScreenshotsOnlyOnFailures: false,
            fixedScreenshotName: false,
            filePrefix: 'index'

And haerick's workaround does work but its obviously not a real fix.
