
Add League of Legends Commands

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The purpose of these are to learn how to use Riot's API.
Slash commands ofc.

Here are some ideas:

  • Check the stats (rank, winrate, recently played champs, mains, etc.) of a player given username and tag (two separate fields)
  • Check a person's status (in-game, which gamemode) given the same params
  • Check a champion's winrate and stats
  • Mastery Info of a player
  • Check if the player is queued with anyone (the last one might need some tuning to address false positives because you might get lucky and get into the same game as someone, I've had this happen like 5-6 times in a row)
  • Get latest patch notes (not sure how I'm gonna do this)
  • Get Champion Abilities Info (might need another API to get the number values, not sure)

This list will continue to expand. Just some ideas.