A very quick census block custom map generation effort.


  • generates 2D and 3D KML map overlays of census blocks within a specified geo region
  • sums population and housing units within a geo area
  • also sums San Francisco business counts within a geo area


  • key dependencies --
    • shapely (geometry binary operations: intersection, contains)
    • simplekml (KML generation)
    • kmlplus (KML polygon 2D to 3D extrusion), simplified by me to support specific parameters instead of func(*args, **kwargs) which were causing numerous issues, just (long,lat) parameters now
    • rtree - similar to k-d trees, allows binary and coordinate range selection of objects within a bounding box. Addresses a weakness of Shapefile, which has a .shapes() method that accepts a bounding box parameter, but it fails
    • Keene U's map-based lon-lat polygon definition tool - useful for defining geo regions within which various operations are performed
  • internal primitive operations (common.py) --
    • load_boundary_file: parses the *.json.poly format produced by Keene's map tool, returns a shapely.geometry.Polygon object
    • get_area2: returns m² of a shapely polygon
    • load_tsv: dict generator for CSV, TSV, PSV files
    • load_csv_indexed: returns a dict of a delimited file, where key is a particular column of unique values
    • get_data_snapshot, put_data_snapshot: pickling wrappers for klunky memoization so I could get runtime flush control, which typically isn't offered by memoization decorators
    • kml_abgr_pct: scale a KML AaBbGgRr color value according to pct. Enables intensifying color bands and opacity according to the value represented by the object being colored
    • make_stylemap_colorprop: generate a KML StyleMap, normal color based on kml_abgr_pct ("color proportional")
    • make_stylemap: generate a KML StyleMap based on a dict of colors and widths
    • add_polyline: adds a polyline to a simplekml.Kml doc
    • class Boundary: represent a shapely polygon (.b), with additional name (.n), color (.c), and altitude (.a) for various uses incl simplekml ingestion
    • class DictObj: wraps a python dict so that keys can be accessed as attributes, e.g. mydict.asdf returns mydict["asdf"]. Python dicts are tedious to type for read access, this cleans it up a bit
  • files & folders --
    • defs: contains *.json.poly files from Keene U's map tool
    • defs/fields.py contains U.S. Census PL field defs, extracted and pythonized from their R source - hat tip to @mcastillon for this link
    • defs/boundaries.py: contains an ugly mix of geo boundaries scraped and presented as Python arrays for conversion to shapely.geometry.Polygon; and also the ubiquitous boundaries dict, which more properly defines boundaries via load_boundary_file from Keene U's map tool
    • data/data_sources.md: tells where to get Census 2020, and to which subfolders it should be unzipped
    • defs/stylesets.py: predefines some simplekml style map objects
    • tools contains a copy of Keene U's map tool, on the off change it should one day vanish from the web. It's based on a widely-used leafletjs map project
    • docs currently hasn't got anything of interest, just a copy of a bunch of images for the presentation, which really shouldn't be on github


No tests, this was a quick one-off. There were many interim sanity check tests performed, to determine whether valid results were being produced. Next time I'll capture those as actual pytests, which I've never done before.