AIML Resources

This is a compilation of resources for my AI/ML bachelor at HSLU. It includes mainly course relevant information marked with the module identifier but also other interesting things that are not directly relevant.

Table of contents


AI News

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  • All AI News - Aggregates all of the top news, blogs, podcasts and more about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, NLP, Data Science and Big Data into one place.
  • Last Week in AI Podcast - Weekly summaries and discussion about the most interesting developments in AI, deep learning, robotics, and more!
  • Ben's Bites - Daily Digests of various AI topics.
  • FutureTools - Aggregrates AI Tools.
  • MIT News - MIT News about machine-learning. Supports RSS.
  • Hacking AI - Aggregates newest posts from popular reddit AI subreddits.


Linear Algebra

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  • Jupyter Guide to Linear Algebra - The Jupyter Guide to Linear Algebra covers many of the core topics that would appear in an introductory course on linear algebra, together with several applications. - #Python #Free
  • 3Blue1Brown Linear Algebra Course - An introduction to visualizing what matrices are really doing - #Free #Text #Videos


Build Apps

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  • LLMStack - LLMStack is a no-code platform for building generative AI applications, chatbots, agents and connecting them to your data and business processes.
  • FlowiseAI - Open source UI visual tool to build your customized LLM flow using LangchainJS, written in Node Typescript/Javascript