
Unable to export datatypes and contenttypes on umbraco 7.15.0

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hey Kevin,

I think there is still an issue with Umbraco 7.15.0 and your latest fix (uSync v4.0.12.0).
I can't export any datatypes or content types since the upgrade.

For example, for datatypes, it gives me the following error:

Failed to save dt - nc - bericht - System.NotSupportedException: The passed in type is not supported
at Umbraco.Core.Services.EntityService.<>c__261.b__26_0() at Umbraco.Core.Mandate.That[TException](Boolean condition, Func1 defer)
at Umbraco.Core.Services.EntityService.GetAll[T](Int32[] ids)
at Jumoo.uSync.BackOffice.Handlers.uSyncBaseHandler`1.GetEntityPath(IUmbracoEntity item)
at Jumoo.uSync.BackOffice.Handlers.DataTypeHandler.ExportToDisk(IDataTypeDefinition item, String folder)

So it fails on the GetAll function that you changed in the last uSync release.
Could you check this out please? Thanks!

Fixed as a child of #223 in v4.0.13

Just tested it and it seems to work again.
Thx for the great work Kevin!