

usama4512 opened this issue · 4 comments

I want to modify the code so that it can work on videos. If any one has knowledge how to modify it so it can work will videos. Please share the modification.

You said that you want to modify, I thought you have knowledge to make it work on videos? Then, why you as for anyone who already made it for video?

Confusing LoL...

You said that you want to modify, I thought you have knowledge to make it work on videos? Then, why you as for anyone who already made it for video?

Confusing LoL...

I tried it but some times it works for videos and sometime even after running for 24+ hours 0 views

Well, based from my understanding, youtube needs to calculate and stream data thru video to the client browser. That's why you can see the viewers information through analytics page on your videos.

I am using similar program to gain viewers, unfortunately it requires browser supported javascript and html5, which is nearly impossible when using CLI terminal in Linux to gain viewer using Kevin's Botter. I don't know whether it can work for Windows.