
`fuzzy_description` is not a valid InputSelector field.

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Thank you for your awesome configs! I encountered this error without making any changes. My wezterm version is 20230712-072601-f4abf8fd

Hi @Asthestarsfalll,

Version 20230712-072601-f4abf8fd is using an outdated InputSelector API.
fuzzy_description was only added as a field in version 20240127-113634-bbcac864

There is a new stable release 20240127-113634-bbcac864 which seems to be running this config with no issues so far and has the new InputSelector API.

Try that out and see if there are still any issues.

I take back what I said 😅.

The latest release has an issue where closing the last active pane on a window will cause the UI to hang unless you change tabs, which then somehow frees the UI.
Not sure why this is happening but I think you're better off using the latest nightly version [20240128-202157-1e552d76]

If you're on Windows and use scoop, I have a scoop bucket setup to make installation a bit easier

scoop bucket add kbucket
scoop install wezterm-nightly

and on Mac you get it setup with homebrew

brew tap homebrew/cask-versions
brew install --cask wezterm-nightly

Hope this helps 😎.

Thank you for your reply! I solved this issue.