
react-query/sandbox does not work properly in

karolmie1 opened this issue · 0 comments

material-react-table version


react & react-dom versions


Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it

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On branch v2, there is following errors in console, when running the example
-> MUI: Cannot find the date and time pickers location context

I don't know how to fix that one, for my purposes I've just removed this selector.
Since it's not a real fix, I'm not making a pull request with that.

I think there might be also an issue with importing Example component instead of ExampleWithReactQueryProvider in main.tsx - locally it throws me an error about this module not exporting this component - I could make pr with that if you'd like that.

I absolutely love the component! I wasn't able to find better example than this of merging react-tables with react-query. I'm very thankful!

Minimal, Reproducible Example - (Optional, but Recommended)

How to reproduce? Open example in

Screenshots or Videos (Optional)

No response

Do you intend to try to help solve this bug with your own PR?

No, because I do not know how


  • I understand that if my bug cannot be reliably reproduced in a debuggable environment, it will probably not be fixed and this issue may even be closed.