
Autocomplete filterVariant with [{value, label}] options show value, not label, when selected

dmitry-simple-it opened this issue · 1 comments

material-react-table version


react & react-dom versions


Describe the bug and the steps to reproduce it

This could be tested right in deployed official storybook app:

Issue in First Name column. When we press on filter text field dropdown shows labels of suggested filterSelectOptions:
Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 13 02 21

but when we select some of it we see "value" of it in the text field, not a "label" as expected:
Screenshot 2024-02-04 at 13 02 56

It is easy to understand in this example as "label" is uppercase of "value" for each element. We can see how this filterSelectOptions generated in the storybook code:

filterSelectOptions: => ({
label: row.firstName.toUpperCase(),
value: row.firstName,
})), //hard coded

I believe that always showing label, not value is the the proper way how autocomplete filter component should work as in my application value is "id" and I don't want to show id as selected element for user, he will not understand it :)

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No response

Do you intend to try to help solve this bug with your own PR?

Yes, I am also opening a PR that solves the problem along side this issue


  • I understand that if my bug cannot be reliably reproduced in a debuggable environment, it will probably not be fixed and this issue may even be closed.

fix released in v2.11.0