
Can't apply new nudge settings

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Subject of the issue

When clicking on Apply nothing happens.

Your environment

  • version of MacOS 10.15.5
  • version of Sketch 66.1
  • version of Nudged 2.0.2

Recent changes to your environment

Probably MacOS update and Sketch update

Nudged Install

Tell is where you downloaded and installed Nudged from?

Steps to reproduce

Open Nudge. Change nudge settings that I need. Click apply.

Expected behaviour

Nudge window should close after clicking apply and new settings should be applied.

Actual behaviour

After clicking Apply nothing happens.

ScreenShots of issue

Error messages or logs

Thank you for posting this issue.
I'm investigating this bug and will try to offer a fix/update as soon as possible.

Hi Kev. I too have been experiencing this problem with the latest version of Sketch. It defaults the values back rather than retaining them.

Fixed in v2.1

Awesome! Thanks Kev!