Do you have any suggestions for zunzunsite3?
Opened this issue · 7 comments
This is James Phillips, author of zunzunsite3. Do you have any suggestions for the site source code, or any changes you would like implemented? I'm not busy right now, which is why I ask.
Having the tkinterfit include a script to install on windows would would help a lot. Currently it requires downloading and installing the wheels of numpy and scipy. That would make it more accessible to the engineers I work with
Making it installable with "pip3 install tkInterFit" with all dependencies should be easy enough. I'll start on it immediately, and keep you updated. Please leave this issue open until you see the install working correctly.
I do not use Windows, and have a Windows-related question. Can you using the command "pip3" to install Python libraries, as in:
pip3 install scipy matplotlib pyeq3
As far as I know, on Windows the above command should install all dependencies needed for tkInterFit. Is this correct?
It works, however, scipy does not install correctly on Windows. It requires numpy-mkl to work, which for some reason won't be installed by pip. Here are two relevant stack overflow solutions:
This one highlights the issue I ran into and the solution that worked (installing the wheel):
This one may be a helpful script based installation:
Hmm. It looks like using the Anaconda or Enthought pre-packaged Windows distributions would be the simplest of several choices. As I use Linux on all five of my various computers I cannot test any Windows-specific solution to the problem, and for this reason prefer recommendation of an existing known working Python distribution packaged with scipy - particularly for international users of my code, of which there are many, who would find trying to both figure all that out and test it rather confusing.
Alright, I'll give Anaconda a try then. If you do wish to test with windows in the future, a virtual machine may be a good option.
Given the choice between either having both of my legs broken or using Miker-Slop's consumer-grade crapware OS again, I would rather have both of my legs broken. Thank you kindly for the suggestion, though.