
Images in `/docs/` really big; suggesting embedding thumbnails and linking to full size image.

dreirund opened this issue · 2 comments

The images shown within /blob/master/docs/ (this is linked from the main "main page" when one navigates the browser to are quite big and "kill" my 1Mbit/s internet connection, often aborting by timeout before everything is loaded.

I suggest that only thumbnails are shown within the file, and the thumbnails link to the full sized image, e.g. in markdown-syntax embedding like the following is used:

[![image]( "image")](

Addendum: This would also save general internet traffic, thus being part of saving for the need to increase more and more the capacity of datacenters, and it would provide more technical-barrier-free access to the list for people who do not have fast internet.

I am aware of this problem, but i don't have the time to fix it.
The project use the remote images. so no thumbnails available.

Download the remote images and create thumbnails during the build process with Gridsome. Then replace the big images with thumbnails and link it to the big images.

I am thinking to switch to Gatsby. With Gatsby it easier to implement this feature.