
Create Maker Docker Images

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Create a Docker Images that contains Geth/Parity running Proof of Authority (Clique) or InstantSeal Ethereum network with a developer key that has all of the ETH and the Maker contracts are all deployed and configured on the network.

We should probably do a multi-stage build here. First stage builds seth, dapp and ethsign from dapphub and then uses those to compile the Maker contracts and prep them for deployment. Second stage is FROM augur/instantseal (or clone of it) and uses the tools built in stage 1 to deploy the contracts built in stage 1 to the instantseal chain.

Useful stuff:

# steps to install Nix and DappHub tools
ADD . /build/makertools
RUN cd makertools && \
        git clone && \
        git clone && \
        git clone && \
        make link -C seth && \
        make link -C dapp