
Update SourceForge release to 8.3.2

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Describe the Issue

Version 8.3.2 is not available in SourceForge

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. You can see version 8.3.2 at
  2. Go to SourceForge
  3. Version 8.3.2 is not available there

Expected Behavior

Version 8.3.2 available in that platform

Sorry, it's not a a bug in the application. It's just a download issue

We are moving off sourceforge as a platform. Download from github. We will update the documentation links.

The problem is that the package you publish in GitHub does not contain all the dependencies, right?

➜  /tmp ls -lha ejbca*
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jotamartos  staff    95M Aug  1 15:21
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jotamartos  staff   158M Aug  1 15:25

They should be a part of the zip file attached to the release here on GitHub, as dependencies for EJBCA are checked into git (see the lib folder).

Dependencies are bundled with GitHub releases. SourceForge downloads were generally larger because they also included an offline version of the EJBCA documentation site.

# extract
unzip -d github
unzip -d sourceforge

# compare doc sizes
du -hcs */*/doc

13M github/ejbca-ce-r8.3.1/doc
95M sourceforge/ejbca_ce_8_3_1/doc