
How do you configure trust for private CA?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Trying to wrestle with the limited documentation on how this integration connects to EJBCA when EJBCA uses a private CA for the TLS. Getting this error in the pod logs:

2023-07-29T20:40:07Z	ERROR	Reconciler error	{"controller": "issuer", "controllerGroup": "", "controllerKind": "Issuer", "Issuer": {"name":"issuer-sample","namespace":"ejbca-issuer-system"}, "namespace": "ejbca-issuer-system", "name": "issuer-sample", "reconcileID": "d9e14294-8b0a-46f0-bca7-d7a956414e83", "error": "healthcheck failed: Get \"https://ejbca-internal.ejbca-k8s/ejbca/ejbca-rest-api/v1/certificate/status\": x509: certificate signed by unknown authority"}

Hi Sven, thank you for the issue; apologies that this wasn't addressed in the initial version. Here are the changes I've made:

  • Add Configuration field in the Keyfactor EJBCA Go Client SDK to enable setting a custom trusted root (60ee494)
  • Add caSecretName configuration field in Issuer and ClusterIssuer custom resource specs (92d9876)
    I've also updated the README to reflect these changes, but the following is an example of an Issuer resource definition:
kind: Issuer
  labels: issuer issuer-sample ejbca-issuer ejbca-issuer
  name: issuer-sample
  hostname: ""
  ejbcaSecretName: ""
  certificateAuthorityName: ""
  certificateProfileName: ""
  endEntityProfileName: ""
  caSecretName: ""

The data in the secret specified in caSecretName can be under any tag name, just as long as there is only one field. This allows you to create the secret in a more flexible way, such as with the below command:

kubectl -n ejbca-issuer-system create secret generic ejbca-ca-secret --from-file=<filename>

I'll keep this issue open until I confirm that the problem is resolved.

Resolved in c9bc15f