
My portfolio made with Next.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

KeziahMoselle Logo

netlify badge


  • Node.js >= 12.9.0
  • Yarn >= 1.22.4
  • Netlify platform


  1. Install dependencies
> yarn
  1. Set environment variables
  • Create a website on Netlify
  • Go to : Settings > Build & deploy > Environment and set these variables :
BASEURL=                   The base URL of the website (i.e: https://keziahmoselle.fr/)
BLOG_URL=                  The base URL of the blog (i.e: https://blog.keziahmoselle.fr/)

MAILGUN_DOMAIN=            Used to send emails
MAILGUN_API_KEY=           Used to send emails
MY_EMAIL_ADDRESS=          Send emails to this address

DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL=       Contact form messages being sent to this webhook URL

GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN=       Used for the GraphQL API
GITHUB_USERNAME=           Used for the GraphQL API

DYNAMO_ACCESS_KEY_ID=      Used for DynamoDB (for the appreciations thing in the footer)
DYNAMO_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=  Used for DynamoDB (for the appreciations thing in the footer)
DYNAMO_REGION=             Used for DynamoDB (for the appreciations thing in the footer)

NODE_VERSION=              Specify the Node version to use

EMAIL_VALANKA=             Specific endpoint
  1. Init Netlify dev :
> npx netlify link

And link it to your Netlify website

  1. Run Next and Netlify functions
> yarn start

Open http://localhost:8888/


To build the App and the Netlify functions run :

> yarn build

/out and /functions will be generated.


See v2 online (2019-NOW)




See alpha-2 online (2016-2017)


See alpha online (2015-2016)
