
Documentation update

Khaaz opened this issue · 2 comments

Khaaz commented

The requirements are as follow:

  • generate from typings (the primary goal is to ditch all jsdoc from the js)
  • looks good / be nice to use for the user
  • have an easy way to add data (eg: guides etc.) for example via markdown files (which would be the best).
  • be easy to deploy via github page

We already thought about a gatsby solution that could be promising.
(ping @VoidNulll )

Potential gatsby solution

  1. The first solution I propose is to use a gatsby theme and automatically build the web documentation off of markdown files.
    Here is the Apollo Documentation gatsby theme for example, however it is not needed to be used.

  2. A second gatsby solution would be to make a custom documentation site, and still build the site from markdown. This would be a lot more complicated and would probably want to be done after the first solution is done as it could take a while.

If interested I can provide more information on either solution.

Khaaz commented

To complete that, I'd say that deploying via gatsby is probably not the hardest part.
The most important thing is to make sure everything is linked together and every classes references the correct classes etc.
Then it's mostly design tweaks and making sure it's nice to navigate and use.

Contribution for this specific issue is the most needed and the most important key for improvement.

PS: If anyone has a different suggestion, we are still open for discussion.