
Typings: File splitting

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Creating just so we can keep track of stuff

File structure:

| typings
| | Definitions and subdefinitions
| | libraries
| | | Eris.ts
| | | DiscordJS.ts
| | | Detritus.ts
| | | index.ts (read off this file)
| | | Normal library typings - Includes library specific enums - default to contain Eris enums
| | misc
| | | interfaces.ts
| | | enums.ts - Only AxonEnums and DiscordEnums

I'll open and link PR once this is ready

Obviously Detritus library specific typings won't be included as of yet

Khaaz commented

The PR closing this issue will also includes:

  • dynamic typings (dynamically link with eris / discordjs typings)
    Via CLI (bin property in package.json)
    eg: yarn library <lib>.
  • CI update to lint all the typings folder