
Convert `namespace$type` to `namespace.type`

aminya opened this issue · 3 comments

It would be nice if the type namespaces could be converted instead of leaving them as is.

For example,

let editor: atom$TextEditor

can be converted to

import * as atom from "atom"

let editor: atom.TextEditor

Optionally in a config file, a map of the namespaces to the modules could be defined by the user, so flow-to-ts knows where the

	"namespace1": "some_module",
	"namespace2": "./src/some_file.js"

Modules can be written as-is.

import * as namespace1 from "some_module"

The files should be reletivized using path.relative:

import * as file "result_of_path.relative(__fileName, file_in_the_config)"

I've seen a number of libdefs from flow-typed using this convention. I was hoping to replace files in flow-typed/npm with files from DefinitelyTyped. Are there not types for atom in DefinitelyTyped or is there a use case other than libdefs where this functionality would be useful?

In some cases like moment$Moment, the global type is used to avoid doing a namespace import which brings in the whole module when all we really wanted was the type. @aminya how would you feel if flow-to-ts generated the following output:

import type {TextEditor} from "atom"

let editor: TextEditor

Yes, that works for me. I think my suggestion in the above generalizes the problem. I am not fully familiar with all the semantics of $ in Flow, but I think what I suggested covers all the cases (especially because it is configurable)? If not, your suggestion works for me as well!