

sindresorhus opened this issue · 4 comments

I want to contribute to this app, but there seems to be little activity since the last 4 months.

  • Do you accept contributions?
  • What's the difference between on mobile and this mobile app?
    They look different, but both uses jQM.
  • What's the plan further?

I forked the master repo, but the video / exercise list doesn't load, no error message.

I am also interested contributing. The exercises are very slow on my iPhone 3GS. I am interested in helping develop an offline web app that runs quickly on all mobile devices and even syncs user data allowing user to work offline

We haven't been working on our mobile apps much. @ricklove, the exercises run off of and we'll gladly accept patches that improve performance. Right now we don't have time to support a true offline exercise experience, sorry.

I have time. I've developed many offline web apps (greekbible, is a simple example.) I've been thinking to start a new github repo called KhanExercises-OpenFramework which would include:

v1. Offline web app version of the exercise framework (with support for a local Khan Proxy Server)
v2. Content type exercises (Non-math text based questions like memorize, definitions, etc.)
V2b. Leveling system for all exercises (This would allow each exercise type to have multiple levels of difficulty)

I'll be writing up a design document according to the Khan design recommendations. What I would like is that this would become an official part of Khan Academy so I wanted guidance on where to create this. However, I can create a prototype first if that is required to get someone's attention. I believe this will be vital to enable Khan to be useful in developing countries where smart phones are becoming common but computers are still rare.

@spicyj Hey Ben, I opened an issue at the Khan-exercises project with my proposal:


Please consider it as I believe it represents a vital step forward for Khan academy.