
No signing certificate for team ID '7C2EXSD3YV'

magnusviri opened this issue · 2 comments

I get these 2 errors when I try to build the project:

"There are no accounts registered with Xcode. Add your developer account to Xcode"


"No signing certificate 'Mac Development' found: No 'Mac Development' signing certificate matching team ID '7C2EXSD3YV' with a private key was found."

If I edit MacVM.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj and change the 2 instances of "DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = 7C2EXSD3YV;" to 'DEVELOPMENT_TEAM = "";' then it builds and runs without error.

I've found this to be a common problem in Xcode projects on GitHub.

If anyone has advice on how to fix this, PRs are welcome

Alright I updated the project to use ad-hoc sign so it's no longer associated with a team.

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