
Failed to install after the IPSW file selection and also run when multiple display are connected

rluvaton opened this issue · 6 comments

When my 2 monitors are connected and my laptop lid is closed (probably even when it's not) I can't press install and no error is shown this is also happening when I trying to start the VM

I found out in the Console app, the error was

Error: Error Domain=VZErrorDomain Code=2 "More than one display is configured." UserInfo={NSLocalizedFailure=Invalid virtual machine configuration., NSLocalizedFailureReason=More than one display is configured.}

I plugged the 2nd external screen and pressed install and return it and it worked

Is this still an issue after #26 was merged?

Is this still an issue after #26 was merged?


Still an issue

So laptop screen + 1 external screen results in everything working, but laptop screen + 2 external screens results in a silent error?

On the latest Monterey and a MBP 14" with the laptop open and 1 external screen, you'll get the error. It seems you can only have a single device. I think it needs to detect the screen it's on at start up, and set up a device accordingly, then if the window is dragged to a new screen, re configure everything. If that's possible. :)

This is resolved.