
Invalid function parameter attributes generated

Closed this issue · 5 comments

It is possible to generate SPIR-V that applies function parameter attributes to invalid types. Repro:

__kernel void foo(__global float* dst, const int bar) {
  int globalId = get_global_id(0);

  if (globalId < bar) {
    dst[globalId] = globalId * 3.0f;
  } else {
    dst[globalId] = globalId * 4.0f;

Since bar is const the spir-v generated from this kernel applies the NoWrite decoration to it, but NoWrite is only valid for pointer types.

@aarongreig, thank you for reporting the issue. Could you attach LLVM IR and SPIR-V files for the repro.

Yes: paramAttr.ll.txt produces paramAttr.spvasm.txt (I had to add the .txt extension for github to accept the file). I realise now that I'm actually using the llvm 6.0 version of the tool, currently building 3.6.1 to see if this will repro with that version as well.

the same IR passed into llvm-spirv built from the 3.6.1 branch produces this paramAttr.spvasm.txt

Sorry, I mixed this repository with
There is no active development in this repository anymore.
So I suggest to use translator from It should work with latest versions of LLVM/Clang.

The new version doesn't exhibit this bug, thanks for pointing me in the right direction.