
Validation Layer warning for geometry shaders with the VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough extension enabled

neXyon opened this issue · 4 comments

I get the warning

Object: VK_NULL_HANDLE (Type = 0) | SPIR-V module not valid: Invalid decoration operand: 5250

during the call to vkCreateShaderModule when I use a geometry shader with

#extension GL_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough : enable

and I have the extension VK_NV_geometry_shader_passthrough enabled. The compiled shader then contains the PassthroughNV (5250) decoration in accordance with which is seen as invalid.

Everything works fine, but the warning shouldn't be there, since I do everything according to the specification.

I'm not sure if I should report this here or at since the spvValidate function from there is producing the actual error message. Let me know if I should rather open an issue at SPIRV-Tools.

Ping @chrisforbes, should this go to SPIRV-Tool repo?

Yes, this needs a bug filed in SPIRV-Tools.. we'll likely have some tidying up in LVL to do after SPIRV-Tools fixes their side though, so keep this bug open also.

Ok, I opened an issue there as well: KhronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools#1553

The issue in SPIRV-Tools has been fixed already.