
Matrix must be decomposable to TRS issue

vaibhav-bhandari opened this issue · 3 comments

I am trying to extract geometry information from one of the modelling software and create GLTF.
While doing so I encountered one transformation matrix which is as below
The issue is visual output is perfect but it fails for GLTF validation through GLTF validator (
As the error message displays : "Matrix must be decomposable to TRS."
So I used the reference from this to decompose the matrix into TRS form : #33
Decomposed TRS also returns the error so any input on this would be helpful.
Refer attached GLB file for the same

Decomposed TRS also returns the error

Decomposing TRS matrix would mean replacing the node.matrix property with equivalent node.scale, node.rotation, and node.translation values. What error is displayed in this case?

Decomposed TRS also returns the error

Decomposing TRS matrix would mean replacing the node.matrix property with equivalent node.scale, node.rotation, and node.translation values. What error is displayed in this case?

I replaced node.matrix with node.rotation, node.scale and node.translate values. Below is the error I am getting :

Also I would like to know is there a way I could know from the transformation matrix whether it should be in TRS form or matrix form

Rotation vector is a normalized quaternion, i.e. it must have unit length and each component must be within [-1 ... 1] range.