
ACCESSOR_WEIGHTS_NON_NORMALIZED is no longer consistent with the specification

tigercat2000 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hi, in the following commits:


The MUST be normalized to have a linear sum of 1.0 requirement was morphed into a SHOULD be as close as reasonably possible to '1.0' for a given vertex. requirement.

However, glTF-Validator still marks this as an error rather than a warning.

I'm not sure if this is a problem with the specification or validator. However, as the specification is no longer in pre-release, I'm assuming this is the way that it shall stand.

To explain, I believe this might be an error with the specification as it appears that KhronosGroup/glTF@94ed681 may have seen the intermediate explanation with "should" in the paragraph and upgraded it to BCP 14, whereas KhronosGroup/glTF@0a61cf8 stated it was not a breaking change and was only meant to elaborate.