
NixOS -> Nix

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I wonder how much of the good parts of NixOS are covered by using just Nix.
I should list the NixOS specific parts of my config and evaluate if this outweighs its complications.

so uh, there's:

  • packages (covered by nix)
  • user config (covered by dotfiles / home manager)
  • desktop / window / display managers (trivial-ish?)
  • drivers (should be covered in most distros)
  • fonts (not exactly top priority)
  • shells (trivial-ish)
  • networking (trivial-ish)
  • themes (dm-specific)
  • environment variables (.bashrc?)
  • IMEs (not using much state for fcitx myself, just add a few languages, and NixOS doesn't even support
    sogou-pinyin yet, see #2)

While thefuck installs (#117) would be pretty sexy, it does seem like I don't need NixOS and could likely just settle for Arch + Nix.

Tried Arch today. Todo on that:

  • bluetooth (update: shoulda just long-pressed!)
  • disable password prompts on systemctl / netctl - not addressed with Defaults:USER_NAME !authenticate, also present on PopOS but on there I needed these commands way less due to GUI?
  • hdd for nix/docker
  • sound
  • terminal
  • pretty font
  • nvidia
  • i3 stuff (#122) - ditching in favor of paperwm
  • CJK font
  • emoji
  • document transition
  • nix: sh <(curl --daemon

I should proooobably consider a new dotfile repo or something, but after feeling frustrated with getting the mouse to pair on Arch (update: shoulda just long-pressed!) I've been trying Manjaro, using which I've had a few todos as well:

  • [x] chsh not respecting my Fish
  • disable password prompts: Defaults:USER_NAME !authenticate - doesn't fix this for e.g. systemctl, software installs, ...
  • CUDA
  • nix: sh <(curl --daemon
  • hdd:
    • nix - #138
    • docker: /etc/docker/daemon.json -> data-root
    • steam: Steam settings -> Downloads -> Steam Library Folders -> add / make default. Conqueror's Blade seems not content with this though.
  • set Brave as default browser - fixed in Default Applications
  • window managers - disabled autologin to try Sway, copied config, ensure dmenu is installed and the terminal is set to something I want (urxvt -> konsole). there's no Plasma+Sway mixed option tho. also doesn't seem to be picking up my config? anyway wayland sucks (#122) and I'll settle for Gnome's PaperWM.
  • Bluetooth mouse keeps disconnecting (reconnects on wake) - also occurred on PopOS so probably affects Arch too, not sure why NixOS seemed okay...
  • Vulkan to play Windows-only Steam games?

Now tried PopOS, where I found my MS Sculpt mouse after long-pressing its bluetooth button. Did I ditch Arch over that? D'oh!
On PopOS I've also yet to figure out:

  • nix - sh <(curl --daemon errors NixOS/nix#2805 (/ retry)
  • CUDA / nvidia-docker
  • window managers - settling for paperwm
  • standard gnome keyboard shortcuts - PopOS-specific, addressed by PaperWM

honestly with Nixery one might have Nix reproducibility even thru just Docker for stuff that works well with containerization...

conclusion: retry Arch (+ Nix?)

p.s.: for i3, unixporn seems to prefer KDE over Gnome (if any desktop manager at all -- and not having to go all the way yet seems sorta nice). maybe try i3 in Gnome before switching?

update: liked gnome + paperwm so much I stuck with that in arch as well now.

sooo I may be using yay more than nix now, but that should do. whatevers!

Texlive install be like:

add to PATH: /opt/texlive/2020/bin/x86_64-linux
add to MANPATH: /opt/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/doc/man
add to INFOPATH: /opt/texlive/2020/texmf-dist/doc/info

As a fish shell user, it pains me there is no good way to add to a PATH variable in a shell-agnostic way. 😐