
use i3

Closed this issue · 10 comments

use i3

think I'd need to enable this from the gdm login screen. disabling auto-login.

that doesn't boot. huh.

some other i3 threads with setups I can try:

note that the displaymanager may matter as well.

I might have had trouble from GDM (also see #91), but this works at least from lightdm. yet to try others -- sddm would be sweet.

xterm is still like super ugly though, and not sure yet how to use i3 without it.

I might have had trouble from GDM (also see #91), but this works at least from lightdm. yet to try others -- sddm would be sweet.

xterm is still ugly though; i3 just runs i3-sensible-terminal (see ~/.config/i3/config) which after installing urxvt now defaults to that, but by default is ugly as well.

i3-sensible-terminal says set $TERMINAL.

set; closing.