
docker: failed to register layer: unknown file type for /var/lib/docker/overlay

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$ docker pull andrey01/steam
failed to register layer: unknown file type for /var/lib/docker/overlay/e18e667f5559d911a6851eebd8ae0acf528e719fc33e58b826c7e39a3e82b023/root/dev/full
$ docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker
$ docker pull
$ docker pull
$ docker pull
$ docker pull
$ cd docker-wine-steam
$ bash ./
Can't add file to tar: archive/tar: sockets not supported
# retry:
failed to register layer: unknown file type for /var/lib/docker/overlay/3c8076775dee9487a822d79a18ba6391019620905745de1ecd4f993a335ef1d3/root/dev/full
# $ bash ./

this maybe had to do with my gnome branches not yet having commented the docker root path line.

nope, wasn't it. search hits suggested different file systems or linux kernels. the latter sounds plausible. that'd sound like a wider issue yet not seeing hits on nixpkgs, hm.

$ ls /var/lib/docker/
$ sudo chown -R tycho /var/lib/docker
$ sudo chmod -R 0700 /var/lib/docker

... I'm getting the impression the ownership/permissions of my /var/lib/docker/ and subdirectories are messed up in general. it also feels like these commands haven't quite fixed it recursively. wonder if there's a nice way to fix these.

my nix config has docker.storageDriver = "overlay";, which seems like the obvious culprit.

commenting that fixed it.