
Create achievibit's k1b1b0t

thatkookooguy opened this issue · 0 comments

k1b1b0t - bot for reporting on achievements


k1b1b0t will post on Telegram and Slack to notify users on received achievements. This can be used by groups (organizations or individuals) to share notifications on achievements.

Example Scenarios

  • an organization with X people, using slack. They can have several bots, posting on R&D statuses (build, tests, etc.). You can have k1b1b0t in a group like that, or a group that is less production oriented and more development oriented.
  • a bunch of friendly developers open a group on Slack\Telegram and mock each other on bad achievements, and complimenting on good once?

These are just examples, but you can take our achievibit group on Telegram as an example.

What can k1b1b0t do?

  • k1b1b0t can subscribe specific channels\groups to notifications on specific users. It will send a "banner" of achievement unlocked when a user recieves an achievement.
  • k1b1b10t can also subscribe a channel\group to a daily summary of users total achievements
  • k1b1b0t should be charming and cool. we should try and give him some super powers

Additional Information

I already implemented a basic bot for Telegram. We can use that as a base and integrate it inside our Heroku server.
Telegram Node.js API:
Greate Tutorial on Node.js library:
Slack Node.js library for bots:

both bots should be using a webhook and not pulling

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