
how to compile this program...?

YitaoYuan opened this issue · 2 comments

how to compile this program...?
  • Clone the repository
  • Open 'DanbooruDownloader.sln' (The solution file) with Visual Studio 2019
  • In Visual Studio, press Ctrl + Shift + B or navigate to 'Build > Build Solution' to build the program
  • You can find the .exe and its required files by navigating to '"cloned directory"\DanbooruDownloader\bin'

If you don't have .NET Core 3.1 SDK installed, Visual Studio will detect this and ask if you want to install it when first opening the project.

For someone who got problem with restoring packages.

Default VS 2019 nuget package source is set to local offline packages folder
So, add online package source of nuget
in [options] -> [NuGet Package Manager] -> [Packager Sources] -> add package source