Vue Storefront Apple Pay Payment Extension

The Apple Pay Payment module for vue-storefront.


By hand (preferer):

git clone ./vue-storefront/src/modules/

Registration the ApplePay module. Go to ./vue-storefront/src/modules/index.ts

import { ApplePay } from './vsf-apple-pay';

export const registerModules: VueStorefrontModule[] = [

Add following settings to your config file.

  "applePay": {
    "environment": "Sandbox",
    "merchantId": "",
    "merchantName": "Example merchant name",
    "supportedNetworks": ["visa", "masterCard", "amex", "discover"],
    "merchantCapabilities": ["supports3DS", "supportsCredit", "supportsDebit", "supportsEMV"],
    "endpoint": {
      "paymentSession": "http://localhost:8080/api/ext/apple-pay/paymentSession"

Add Apple Pay button to checkout page. It is recommended to replace "Place order" button with Apple Pay button when Apple Pay selected as payment method.

import ApplePayButton from 'src/modules/vsf-apple-pay/components/ApplePayButton'

export default {
  components: {
  computed: {
    paymentMethod () {
      return this.$store.state.checkout.paymentDetails.paymentMethod
  v-if="paymentMethod == 'applePay'"

API extension

Install additional extension for vue-storefront-api:

cp -f ./vue-storefront/src/modules/vsf-apple-pay/API/apple-pay ./vue-storefront-api/src/api/extensions/

Add the config to your api config.

   "apple-pay": {
     "merchantId": "",
     "merchantName": "Example merchant name"

Create a merchant identity certificate and place it to ./vue-storefront-api/config/certificates/apple-pay-merchant-identity-certificate.cer