
✉️ SendGrid module for Vue Storefront 📪

Primary LanguageJavaScript


✉️ SendGrid module for Vue Storefront 📪


Clone repo:

git clone https://github.com/new-fantastic/vsf-sendgrid-mail.git src/modules/vsf-sendgrid-mail

Copy api catalog to the VSF-API src/api/extensions and rename directory to sendgrid-mails.

Open config and add "sendgrid-mails" to the registeredExtensions. Also in the extensions add following (it is compatibile with our Sendgrid Newsletter module):

"sendgrid": {
      "key": "<your_secret_key>",
      "mails": {
        "default": "fallbackemail@mycompany.com",
        "eu": "europeemail@mycompany.com",
        "fr": "franceemail@mycompany.com",
      "subjects": {
        "contact": {
          "default": "Contact",
          "es": "Contacto",
          "it": "Contatto",
          "fr": "Contact",
          "gb": "Contact",
          "nl": "Contact",
          "de": "Kontakt"
      "headers": {
        "email": {
          "default": "Email address",
          "es": "Dirección de correo electrónico",
          "it": "Indrizzo email",
          "fr": "Adresse e-mail",
          "gb": "Email address",
          "nl": "E-mailadres",
          "de": "E-Mail-Addresse"
        "fullName": {
          "default": "Full name",
          "es": "Nombre completo",
          "it": "Nome e cognome",
          "fr": "Nom complet",
          "gb": "Full name",
          "nl": "Voor-en achternaam",
          "de": "Vollständiger Name"
        "subject": {
          "default": "Subject",
          "es": "Tema",
          "it": "Soggetto",
          "fr": "Assujettir",
          "gb": "Subject",
          "nl": "Onderwerpen",
          "de": "Gegenstand"
        "message": {
          "default": "Message",
          "es": "Mensaje",
          "it": "Messaggio",
          "fr": "Message",
          "gb": "Message",
          "nl": "Bericht",
          "de": "Botschaft"

There you can add translations for different storeCodes and set emails for each storeCode. Default key will be used if there is no storeCode or there is no config for the current storeCode.

Inside actions/contact.js you have simple function that prepares HTML output of email. Customize it if you need.

After that, run yarn to fetch dependencies for sendgrid-mails.

Let's back to the PWA...



This simple mixins provides sendEmail method which has that signature:

sendEmail(action: string, body: any): void

action - Name of prepared action in the API. Basicly we have only contact body - Payload that will be sent to the API

How to use it?

import { Send } from 'src/modules/vsf-sendgrid-mail/components/Send'

export default {
  // ...
  mixins: [Send],

  mounted () {
    // I'll sent email after 5s
    const time = 5 * 1000;
    setTimeout(async () => {

      if (await this.sendEmail('contact', {
        email: 'fifciuu@gmail.com',
        message: 'Hello I would like to offer you promoting in the Social Media',
        fullName: 'John Snow'
      })) {
        console.log('It succeed, do what you want')
      } else {
        console.log('It failed, do what you want')

    }, time)

For error, there will be also invoked, in the catch block:

console.log(err, 'FAIL')