
PWA & API modules for Sendgrid Newsletter (Contact API). As node modules are separated it should be a good idea to make separated modules for newsletter & mails

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Vue Storefront Sendgrid Newsletter Extension

The Sendgrid Newsletter integration module for vue-storefront.


By hand (preferer):

git clone git@github.com:new-fantastic/vsf-sendgrid-newsletter.git src/modules


git submodule add https://github.com/new-fantastic/vsf-sendgrid-newsletter.git src/modules/vsf-sendgrid-newsletter

Registration the Sendgrid Newsletter module. Go to src/modules/index.ts or src/modules/client.ts

import { SendgridNewsletter } from './vsf-sendgrid-newsletter'

export const registerModules: VueStorefrontModule[] = [

If you use multistore add to each storeView in the config inside i18n 3 letter abbrevation, e.g. for Germany:

"i18n": {
  "abbreviation": "DEU",
  "fullCountryName": "Germany",
  "fullLanguageName": "German",
  "defaultCountry": "DE",
  "defaultLanguage": "DE",
  "defaultLocale": "de-DE"

If you have single store add abrevation just to the main i18n inside config, e.g.:

"i18n": {
  "abbreviation": "USA",
  "defaultCountry": "US",
  "defaultLanguage": "EN",
  "availableLocale": ["en-US","de-DE","fr-FR","es-ES","nl-NL", "jp-JP", "ru-RU", "it-IT", "pt-BR", "pl-PL", "cs-CZ"],
  "defaultLocale": "en-US",
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "currencySign": "$",
  "priceFormat": "{sign}{amount}",
  "dateFormat": "HH:mm D/M/YYYY",
  "fullCountryName": "United States",
  "fullLanguageName": "English",
  "bundleAllStoreviewLanguages": true

If you use Magento2, you could enable saving Newsletter Subscriptions to M2 also, by setting as true:

"sendgrid": {
  "addToMagentoList": true

Now open your VSF-API: Copy content of API catalog to thesrc/api/extensions/sendgrid-newsletter. Add to the config sendgrid-newsletter:

"registeredExtensions": [

And inside extensions

"sendgrid": {
  "key": "<YOUR_KEY_HERE>"


Add contact to the list

POST /api/ext/sengrid-newsletter Payload:

  email: string,
  country: string,
  lists?: Array<string> | string

email - That's obviously email address which wants to subscribe
country - 3 Letter abbreviation of user's country
lists - Inside contacts we can create lists. There we could put name of them. If we leaft it empty, Api would add Contact to All contacts

Responses: 200 - "Subscribed!"
500 - "Could not subscribe, sorry!"
500 - "Could not fetch lists, sorry!"

Check if contact exists in the list

GET /api/ext/sengrid-newsletter/identify?email=<requested_email> or GET /api/ext/sengrid-newsletter/identify?email=<requested_email>&list=<requested_list>

email - That's obviously email address which wants to subscribe
list - Inside contacts we can create lists. There we could put name of one of them. If we left it empty, Api would search inside All contacts

Responses: 200 -

  exists: true / false

500 - "Provide email address"
500 - "Could not fetch lists, sorry!"
500 - "Something went wrong, sorry!"

Components / Mixins


Path to import: src/modules/vsf-sendgrid-newsletter/components/Subscribe.ts

It creates data field for email with the Vuelidate validator for it.
It also provides method:

sendgridSubscribe(list?: string)

We can specify list if we want to add to the specific list. Otherwise user would be added to All contacts.

If user is authenticated, method does not require email from him. It will be taken from his profile. Otherwise, he/she has to provide it.

And computed:

sendgridSubscriptions(): Subscribed