
Improve Code Packaging an Delivery

pahund opened this issue · 2 comments

Currently (version 2.x.x), there are two ways to include React Prebid in a project:

  • Using index-esnext.js – this is the untranspiled code using ES modules, needs to be run through Babel before it can be used
  • Using index.js – this is the transpiled version that can be used directly in the browser

The problem with this approach: It is hard to debug the minified code (see issue #18). To solve this, we should provide the transpiled and unminified code per default. Users who want to use react-prebid through a CDN should be able to download the transpiled and minified bundle from UNPKG.


  • All JavaScript bundles that are intended to be imported by client applications are be placed in a dist folder, which is not under source control and created on the fly by the webpack build
  • The webpack build creates the following files in the dist folder:
    • index.js – transpiled, unminified Common JS bundle, to be imported with a require statement
    • – source map for index.js
    • react-prebid.esm.js – untranspiled, unminified source code, bundled into one file, to be imported as ES module with an import statement
    • – source map for react-prebid.esm.js
    • react-prebid.umd.js – transpiled, unminified UMD bundle, to be incuded in web pages through a script tag, loaded from a CDN
    • – source map for react-prebid.umd
    • react-prebid.umd.min.js – transpiled, minified UMD bundle, to be incuded in web pages through a script tag, loaded from a CDN
    • – source map for react-prebid.min.umd
  • The package.json file points to the various bundles:
    • "main": "dist/index.js"
    • "module": "dist/react-prebid.esm.js"
    • "unpkg": "dist/redux-toolkit.umd.min.js"
  • The documentation explains how to import React Prebid
    • as Common JS module
    • as an ES module
    • as a UMD bundle through the UNPKG CDN
  • Description of release 3.0.0 on the releases page includes a migration guide from 2.x.x


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