Possible to flush cache on running instance without having to restart?
genox opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi there,
Is there an option (didn't find any in the documentation, so I guess this is a feature request disguised as a question :-) ) to forcefully flush the cache of a running express instance which uses this library to cache requests?
Use case: I use a headless CMS to hydrate a SSR react app. The headless CMS is able to call web hooks on create/update/delete actions. My plan would be to implement a route in express (web hook endpoint) to allow cache being flushed whenever a CMS user changes content, as this can cause the entire page to be stale (e.g. changing menu items).
Maybe there's already a hidden query parameter for that, like force
Did you note you can refresh a single URL using force
query parameter?
curl https://myserver.dev/user # MISS (first access)
curl https://myserver.dev/user # HIT (served from cache)
curl https://myserver.dev/user # HIT (served from cache)
curl https://myserver.dev/user?force=true # MISS (forcing invalidation)
If you want to flush completely the cache:
For example:
const cacheableResponse = require('cacheable-response')
const Keyv = require('keyv')
const cache = new Keyv()
const ssrCache = cacheableResponse({
cache, // setup your cache here
get: ({ req, res }) => ({
data: doSomething(req),
ttl: 7200000 // 2 hours
send: ({ data, res, req }) => res.send(data)
// connect cacheable-response with express
app.use((req, res) => ssrCache({ req, res }))
// be possible flush on demand
app.get('/flush', function (req, res) {
await cache.clear()
// I send 205 code to say "hey, cache is flushed"
// https://httpstatuses.com/205
Yes, this should do the trick. Thanks a lot!