This AD config could not be loaded
Opened this issue · 7 comments
i updated my AD from to
but now the course editor shows me this title, if i want to edit a file.
All backups are not to open, too.
thank you
Thanks for the report, I'll take a look at the config you supplied as will see what happening.
i use the Course Editor V 1.0.2 .
Newer Versions say to me
C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master>java.exe -jar -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m .\AutoDriveEditor.Jar
Error: Unable to access jarfile .\\AutoDriveEditor.Jar
C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master>pause
Drücken Sie eine beliebige Taste . . .
If i unzip and start the Open Editor with Console to see errors.cmd
EDIT: Java Version
I'm not sure what going on, i can run v1.06 with java 21 just fine
C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\New folder>"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-21.0.1\bin\java.exe" -jar -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m .\AutoDriveEditor.Jar
WARNING: sun.reflect.Reflection.getCallerClass is not supported. This will impact performance.
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.882 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Starting AutoDrive Editor v1.0.6 .....
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.884 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Java Runtime Version 21
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.886 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - '' not found. looking in folders
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.886 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - No locale found at : ./
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.886 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - No locale found at : ./locale/
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.887 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - No locale found at : ./src/locale/
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.887 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - No locale found at : ./src/main/resources/locale/
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.887 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Locale file not found..Using default locale en_US
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.960 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Checking for depreciated <mapzoomfactors> key in EditorConfig.xml
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.993 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Toolbar Location set to - Left
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:25.994 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Initializing ButtonState Manager
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:26.003 [ConnectionDraw Thread] AutoDriveEditor - Starting ConnectionDraw Thread
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:26.003 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Initializing CopyPaste Manager
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:26.003 [NodeDraw Thread] AutoDriveEditor - Starting NodeDraw thread
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:26.004 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Starting AutoSave Thread
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:26.006 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Started AutoSave Thread ( Interval in Minutes 10 , Max Slots 10 )
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:26.558 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Connecting to GitHub for update check
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:27.177 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - No update available... Remote version 1.0.6 matches local version
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:31.849 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Stopping ConnectionDraw Thread
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:31.850 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Stopping NodeDraw thread
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:31.850 [ConnectionDraw Thread] AutoDriveEditor - ConnectionDraw Thread exiting
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:31.850 [NodeDraw Thread] AutoDriveEditor - NodeDraw Thread exiting
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:31.850 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - AutoSave Timer Thread exiting
[INFO ] 2023-12-10 13:50:31.885 [Main] AutoDriveEditor - Completed saving Editor Config
C:\Users\Jon\Desktop\New folder>pause
Press any key to continue . . .
Or do i something wrong?
i unziped this files
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\src"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive Course Editor.iml"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDriveCourseEditor.iml"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\history.xml"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\Open Editor with Console to see errors.cmd"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\pom.xml"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\"
"C:\Users\Stefan\Documents\My Games\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\AutoDrive_Course_Editor-master\version.xml"
and then i start editor ... .iml
could i start a debug mode?
That zip file contains the source code for the editor, not the JAR file, goto the Release section
and download the highlighted link, unzip to a new folder and try again.
It works great, thank you very mutch.
in germany we say "if you make it write, at once it works"