
node.js hangman module for use with discord.js

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Whats new in 1.4.3

  • Upgraded from discord.js v12.5 to v13
  • The entire package was rewritten


Table Of Contents

1. How it works (How to use a bot with this module)
2. Documentation
3. Example bot code

1. How it works


  • Run the command that starts the game, in my case its !start

  • The module will ask you to choose mode, say singleplayer in the chat

  • Please note that depending on your or your hosting provider's network speed the bot may be a bit slow

  • After the bot sends the message you will be able to type letters or words! If you would like to know the game basics click here



  • Run the command that starts the game, in my case its !start
  • The module will ask you to choose mode, say multiplayer in the chat
  • The bot will send you a Direct Message (DM) asking you to say a word


  • After that all the other members will have to find the word!


First you will have to require the module

const hangman = require("hangman-discord")

Start a game

hangman.start(client, message, discord)

End a game

hangman.stop(client, message)

Send message every time the game ends or someone wins

Hangman.on("wordFound", (message) => {
    message.reply("Correct! To start another round please type !start")

Hangman.on("gameEnded", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("No one found the word")

Hangman.on("gameEndedSingle", (message) => {
    message.channel.send(`Sorry, <@${message.author.id}> You did not find the word!`)

Hangman.on("gameStop", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("The game was ended using !stop")

Send message to tell the user to select a gamemode This is required if you want the user to get asked to select gamemode else it will just time out as it will get no response!

Hangman.on("select", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("Choose Gamemode: **singleplayer** or **multiplayer**")

Other Events

Hangman.on("gameExists", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("There is already a game running in this server!")

Hangman.on("wordSet", (word) => {
    console.log(`Current word set to: ${word}`)

Hangman.on("cannotDM", (message) => {
    message.reply("It looks like i cannot dm you :(")

Hangman.on("wordSelectTimeout", (message) => {


start(client, message, discord) This will start a game

stop(client, message) This will end a game, if there is one.


selectTimeout (message) This will get called if no mode is selected within 15 seconds when using the hangman.start(...).

select (message) This will get called when the hangman.start(...) runs.

wordFound (message) As its name says, this will get called once someone finds the word.

gameEnded (message) This gets called when the game ends, with no winner.

gameEndedSingle (message) The same as gameEnded but this is for singleplayer.

gameExists (message) This gets called when hangman.start(...) runs but there is already an active game in the server.

cannotDM (message) This gets called if the module cannot DM (Direct Message) a user.

gameStop (message) This gets called when hangman.stop(...) runs and there is an active game.

noGame(message) This gets called when hangman.stop(...) is called but there is no active game.

wordSet (word) This will get called when the word is set.

Code Example:

const Hangman = require("hangman-discord")
const discord = require("discord.js")

const Intents = new discord.Intents([

const client = new discord.Client({ intents: Intents })

let config = {
    prefix: "!"
client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    if (message.mentions.users.first() === client.user) {

        message.channel.send("My prefix is " + config.prefix)


    if (!message.content.startsWith(config.prefix) || message.author.bot) return;

    const args = message.content.slice(config.prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/);

    const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    if (command == "start") {
        Hangman.start(client, message, discord, args)
    if (command == "end") {
        Hangman.stop(client, message)

client.on("ready", () => {


Hangman.on("selectTimeout", (message) => {
Hangman.on("select", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("Choose Gamemode: **singleplayer** or **multiplayer**")


Hangman.on("wordFound", (message) => {
    message.channel.send(`<@${message.author.id}> You found the word! To start another round please type !start`)

Hangman.on("gameEnded", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("No one found the word")

Hangman.on("gameEndedSingle", (message) => {
    message.channel.send(`Sorry, <@${message.author.id}> You did not find the word!`)

Hangman.on("wordSet", (word) => {
    //For Testing!!!!!!
    console.log(`Current word set to: ${word}`)

Hangman.on("gameExists", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("There is already a game running in this server!")

Hangman.on("cannotDM", (message) => {
    message.reply("It looks like i cannot dm you :(")

Hangman.on("wordSelectTimeout", (message) => {

Hangman.on("gameStop", (message) => {
    message.channel.send("The game was ended using !stop")

Hangman.on("noGame", (message) => {
    message.member.send("There is no game active right now!")

client.login("Token Goes Here")