
easyprog 1.7.1 Expert auto-int broken

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The mode Expert Auto-INT to write all crt at once is broken in easyprog 1.8.1 (CPLD 1.2.1) while it's working in official last version with official CPLD.

It's doing the job endless and never stop. After to have written auto-7, it start over again from auto-0....

Is this a known bug ?

Thank you


Just discovered that my auto-7 was corrupted and that's surely the reason it's start over again.

Finally tried again with a valid auto-7.CRT and this fonction in Easyprog 1.8.1 is definitively broken.

You can reproduce this while using the AUTO-int fonction in expert menu to write all the crt at once on the EF3......

I'm not able to reproduce this behaviour. I just tried twice with two different set of CRTs and the program stops after auto-7 as expected.

Did you verify all the CRTs in VICE, or did you try to flash the individually? Especially pay attention to the size of the CRTs, they should not be bigger than one megabyte.

There was no change regarding reading from SD2IEC in the new version, but it is possible that I made a mistake somewhere. You could try to downgrade the firmware and EasyProg and see if the problem persists.

I believe that EasyProg 1.7.1 only exist in source code form and never was released. But I did notice the following in the CHANGES file for that version:
Auto test + init executes the torture test before flashing
Is that what is confusing you? The torture test runs through all slots and when it is done the CRTs are flashed.
The torture test can be canceled using RUN/STOP

I assume this is resolved, otherwise feel free to report a new issue.