about localization to Chinese
Closed this issue · 1 comments
kbdsbx commented
This library is so interesting, but describe lunar in Chinese we are not write to "阴 1.20" or "阴 3.10" etc, in fact we used "正月二十" or "三月初十"
So Jan to Dec are 正月,二月,三月,四月,五月,六月,七月,八月,九月,十月,十一月,腊月
And 1st to 30th are 初一,初二,初三,初四,初五,初六,初七,初八,初九,初十,十一,十二,十三,十四,十五,十六,十七,十八,十九,二十,廿一,廿二,廿三,廿四,廿五,廿六,廿七,廿八,廿九,三十
KimWooHyun commented
@kbdsbx oh interesting! I did not know that.
but this library is korea lunar calendar.
so, It seems hard to modify. I'm so sorry.
Thank you for telling me.