
Visual studio 2017 integration

JamieShelley opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi, is it possible to get a vs17 integration started, I don't mind contributing.

Same, I also need that

Managed to build vld with only a few small code changes for VS17, but it does not work.
Also, when running from within the VS debugger, I get crashes right away.

Would so appreciate some help from the key developers to make this work for vs 2017

Well it works out of the box for me dude on VS17. Didn't have to build it from source.. Just used the prebuilt for VS15

Crash on startup with vs2017 15.9.4

The same thing - it crashes when starting leak detection. I replaced dbghelp.dll with the newest one from Windows SDK 10, and that seemed to help.

Investigating the problem of support VC++2019 by VLD, i had found very interesting link.
The solution itself is terrible as for me, but overall path of solution looks like right direction.

So i decided to start working with dbghelp.dll file. I decided to change the library for my installed version of VLD.
Since i use VC++2019, i found valid dbghelp.dll file in ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\Common7\IDE\Extensions\TestPlatform\Extensions\Cpp folder. Fortunately, the x64 version is placed near the 32-bit version of this library. Just inside of x64 subfolder.
I had copied the both libraries into my VLD installation folder. After that my VLD had started to work normally.
I guess that the right dbghelp.dll library should be found inside ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\TestWindow\Extensions\Cpp folder of VC++2017. But i can't check it due to lack of C++2017 installed.

BTW, i definitely know that my attempts isn't proper porting of VLD.
So, @KindDragon , can you somehow instruct us to be able to properly port the VLD for VC++2017 and VC++2019?
Some wiki article would be very welcome, i think.